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Our CEO/Medical director has 25 years expertise delivering on these programmes and linking them to real ROI.

Frequently we work on a success fee to agreed KPI’s.

All complex medical cases are dealt with early and resolved through either:


Conflict Resolution

Stress Management




SomarMed provides consultancy occupational health services to companies in South America, North America and Europe.

If an organization has footprints in several countries it is possible to co-ordinate the agreed programmes in all locations thereby providing a Global Health Strategy and increasing the ROI.


Provides expert advice on how an organization can:

  • Reduce Cost

  • Increase Competiveness through:

     - Reducing Absenteeism
     - Reducing Presenteeism

  •  Increase Quality of Product/Service

  •  Increase Productivity

  •  Ensure Employee Retention

  • Improve the general health of all employees

  • Reduce the occupational accident/illness rate and should a work related accident or illness occur significantly reduce the cost of this to the organization through the implementation of our programmes

  • Increase the reputation of the organization by:

  •  Achieving status of best place to work, voted by employees

  • Compliance in excess of local legislative requirements

  • Reputation for delivering excellence in product/service delivery and being the gold standard/market leader

 All the above is achieved through our programmes which support all employees to achieve their maximum potential as Employees are a company’s greatest asset.

We firmly believe that an Occupational Health Physician in addition to acting in the prevention of disease and accidents at work should promote quality of actions of life and well –being of employees, favouring the company’s productivity.

Like all departments within a company the Occupational health department requires to be accountable to deliver real ROI resulting in increasing the profit and sustainability of the company.